Month: May 2022

The new baby bunny

One day Mia’s pet rabbit stomach looked big and Mia did not know why so she asked her mum if she could take her pet rabbit cookie to the doctor’s . Her mum said ok let’s go now .

So they went to the doctors and when they got there, there were too many people there so they had to wait so long and when it was their turn they went into the room Cookie saw the doctor and then started to cry but Mia said it would be ok.

So the doctor checked something that she needed to see what was wrong with coolike and the doctor noticed that coolike’s stomach was big so she did some research this looks very fascinating.

After she did more research she found out that Coolike is actually pregnant. So the doctor told Mia’s mum and she was so happy but she knows that Mia will be happier.

So Mia’s mum went to tell Mia that Coolike is pregnant.  When she told Mia she was so happy that she started to cry but it  was good tears. But on that day they went to the hospital to see if it’s a girl or a boy.

The next day they went to the Hospital and after seeing if it was a girl or a boy, Mia’s mum was so happy and Mia was very happy.

The next few months Cookie will have her baby.  Mia’s mum and Mia were very happy but she did not want to wait.

Ya said Mia today is the day that Coolike will have her baby. I can’t wait, this baby is going to be so cute. After Cookie had  her baby  they had to name the baby bunny.

So we kept on picking the baby’s  name but we do know which name to pick because they are all pretty names and finally they found the best name.

So they named the baby bunny cookies and milk.

Spirits Haunted House

One day a little boy was going for a walk and when he was walking he saw a house but not an ordinary house, a haunted house there were signs that said stay out and they used blood to write it.

 But the little boy did not think that it was blood.

 He just thought it was a red marker and also it was close to Halloween so he thought it was just Halloween decorations so he went inside because the door was open.

 When he got inside the door slammed at the back of him then he was scared and he did not think it was for Halloween anymore but he saw a board that said if you want to get out you have to survive all of the rooms in this house if you don’t survive you will never get out .

 So the little boy had to go to all the rooms and survive them and since he was a smart little boy he found out some ways to survive in each room the last one he had to do was the hardest, one but he made it work and when he want back to the bored and it said congratulation you have survived all of the rooms do you may go home now.

 The little boy was jumping in sitement and he went home very happy and Brave.

Kia ora! My name is Faith

Kia ora! My name is Faith, I go to Glen Innes School. I am in year 7 and my teacher is Ms Naicker. My favourite subject is Reading and I enjoy learning about Maths.   I am good at drawing and Reading.  My goal for this year is to get better at Maths and Writing. In my spare time, I like to be with my friends and family.