Spirits Haunted House

One day a little boy was going for a walk and when he was walking he saw a house but not an ordinary house, a haunted house there were signs that said stay out and they used blood to write it.

 But the little boy did not think that it was blood.

 He just thought it was a red marker and also it was close to Halloween so he thought it was just Halloween decorations so he went inside because the door was open.

 When he got inside the door slammed at the back of him then he was scared and he did not think it was for Halloween anymore but he saw a board that said if you want to get out you have to survive all of the rooms in this house if you don’t survive you will never get out .

 So the little boy had to go to all the rooms and survive them and since he was a smart little boy he found out some ways to survive in each room the last one he had to do was the hardest, one but he made it work and when he want back to the bored and it said congratulation you have survived all of the rooms do you may go home now.

 The little boy was jumping in sitement and he went home very happy and Brave.

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